Thursday, September 9, 2010

5 1/2 months old

Lincoln turned 5 months old on my birthday and somehow August flew by without me being able to post about it. So, instead we'll post about him being 5 1/2 months old!

I know I've said this before but he is the love of our life! He makes us smile, and melts our hearts most every hour. What a blessing his presence is on our family. We love to watch him work hard as he gains strength and learns to do new things. He's a fighter, and so proud of himself when he accomplishes something . . . like rolling over! Yes- he's finally (kind of) rolling over! We're so excited to watch him do this and be able to hold his head up more while on his tummy. I took for granted all of these little milestones that came and went with easy when watching Jezelle as a baby. With Lincoln everything takes more time and a lot of practice. His mommy's patience is being tested, that's for sure!!! He started OT (occupational therapy) at the clinic I work at, which came in handy since I was able to hand-pick the best OT there to work with our sweet boy. She's wonderful and although the therapy session is for Lincoln, it's very therapeutic for me too! When I told Darlene, the OT, that we don't know what the future holds with his recent diagnosis, she smiled and said, "well, then his possibilities are endless, aren't they?" . . . I cried.

Oh therapy. It's a way of life for us now. And although I look forward to our weekly appointments, I dread them too. I love to see Lincoln make progress, and yet at the same time I am reminded of his delays and that never gets easy. When I'm feeling down I often turn toward my new blog obsession She seems to somehow always post about something that I'm dealing with at that moment and then puts it much more eloquently than I could. After a therapy session one day I was reading her blog and she wrote, "(therapy) It isn't ideal and it is, in the beginning, a bit overwhelming. But somewhere along the line, it becomes a new normal. And it is what it is, so we make the best of it." Yup- well said.

AND . . . right at 5 months his first tooth popped up! It's his right front bottom tooth. It's now half-way up and it looks pretty cute! Jezelle didn't get a tooth until 10 months so we were pretty surprised to see it so early with Linc.

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