Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Co-Op Preschool

At the beginning of July Lincoln started attending a co-op preschool class at the Kindering Center (the birth-t0-three center where he receives all of his therapy and special education services). He loves it and I LOVE it! I love that he can be around peers, practice doing 'school' and his teacher is fantastic! I love that Jezelle can come too, and participate as a sibling and be welcomed with open arms. I want her to grow up being comfortable around children with special needs, and feel proud of being an amazing sister to a child with special needs. I feel like this class really promotes that. And although I did an internship in graduate school in a co-op toddler preschool I must have forgotten how cute and tiny everything is in a toddler classroom. Or maybe it's just because I think Lincoln looks so cute sitting in a wee riften chair, as shown above (the wood chairs that give more support than a normal chair for kids who have difficulty sitting up well).

motor room

and boy was he wiped out at the end of class.

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