Saturday, April 10, 2010

First Trip to the ER (at two weeks old)

Lincoln wouldn't keep his food down last week so we were sent to Children's Hospital for tests. I think I was much more traumatized by the entire process than he was! They stuck a tube up his nose that went down into his stomach so they could inject dye to watch how he was processing his food. Again, I was a mess watching him lay on that big x-ray table, so tiny and helpless. Shane found the entire thing to be fascinating of course. I told him he really should have been a radiologist- he can see things on x-ray and ultra sound machines that I just can't! Lincoln hated the tube up his nose and kept sneezing to try and get it out- again SO sad. THANK GOODNESS he just has terrible acid reflux and nothing is wrong with his intestines . . . which we were told 8 hours after checking in. Huge sigh of relief. Now, he just needs to keep his food down so he can gain some weight!

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