Saturday, October 30, 2010

Linc's cyst and the future PT

Update: We found out last week that Lincoln's cyst is entirely enclosed in bone so for now surgery is not necessary. YIPEE!!!! They don't think it will grow anymore and just get smaller and smaller as his head grows. There is a possibility of it continuing to grow but it's not likely. They will check it again in six months just to make sure it's not growing. Again THANK YOU for your prayers. They were answered, I am sure of it!!! I was so worried about putting him under general anesthetic for the scan but was told it would be absolutely necessary. When we got there though, the nurse said we could try and get him to sleep instead of putting him under!! Lincoln never ever takes a binkie, but he did that day! We swaddled him up, stuck a binkie in his mouth and he went to sleep within 5 minutes. We laid him on the table, they did the scan and we were on our way!!! After that I thought I would maybe try to get him to take a binkie again but he has had no interest since!

Lincoln works so hard during therapy and Jezelle's new favorite thing is to play "physical therapist". Yup- most kids play house, mine plays physical therapist. She gets a piece of paper and a pen, and then likes Lincoln to sit in all of his adaptive chairs and equipment so she can tell me what exercises to do with him. It's pretty cute. She sounds exactly like Lincoln's real physical therapist- who comes to our house every week. Last week the PT gave Jezelle a real sheet of paper, from her work, that Jezelle could take notes on. Oh boy was she excited! Who knows- maybe she'll grow up to be a physical therapist!

Jezelle absolutely LOVES to make her little brother laugh.

Lincoln works so hard to do all of his exercises but when he's done,

he's D-O-N-E!

1 comment:

  1. i just have to tell you that I laughed out loud when I read this post...oh my gosh and espeically the last pictures...I remember those days!!! What a sweetheart!
