Friday, November 13, 2009

Only 133 days to go! . . .

I'm pregnant and it's a BOY! (and I keep forgetting to post our exciting news on here! Oooops!) We're so excited and Jezelle is very excited to have a baby brother!

*NOTE: this picture was taken when pregnant with Jezelle. I'm not THAT big yet . . . but almost! Yikes!

Below is how I told my boss that I'm pregnant. I am the 9th employee at the clinic to announce a pregnancy within the last 6 months! So my boss said after the 6th one was announced that she was sick of people coming into her office and saying, "can I talk to you . . . " and from then on if we were going to come into her office to tell her we were pregnant it needed to be in a really creative way. So, this is what I came up with (and at the time my baby was about the size of a lemon!)

Good thing she was impressed with my idea and didn't fire me on the spot! Just kidding!

*we waited until I was 20 weeks to tell Jezelle, so we could just tell her there was a boy in my tummy instead of just saying a baby. She said, "but I want a sister!" but then quickly warmed up to the idea of a brother. The next day she walked in the door from preschool and the first thing out of her mouth was, "did the baby come out yet?" . . . and then I was reminded why we didn't tell her until I was half-way through the pregnancy. 9 months is a LONG time to wait for a baby to come out!!!! I'm 21 weeks today and finally feeling better, so that's a good sign! I know the next few months are going to FLY by!

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