Tuesday, July 6, 2010


When I was pregnant with Lincoln I was told how much joy I would get by watching my children interact with one another. I was told, but words cannot even describe the overwhelming happiness it brings to watch them together. Since having Lincoln Jezelle has taught me more about unconditional love than I have learned in 32 years! I don't even think she notices his tube anymore and could care less that he doesn't always smile back at her or even sometimes act interested in her. She just keeps on loving, not matter what. He often lights up when she's with him though. He loves watching her and she loves him to death (almost literally sometimes when she squeezes too tight!). She always wants to be with him or around him and when people come up to see him, she runs over quickly to proudly announce that "this is my baby!" I've already seen her be very protective of him, especially when other children ask why there is a tube in his nose. Jezelle always responds matter of factly, "because that's how he has to eat sometimes." (Duh!!)

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