Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The small and simple things . . .

We pretty much appreciate and relish in most every single little milestone that Lincoln meets. The latest: riding in the grocery cart and sitting up in the tub (Jezelle is in heaven!)!

and ohhhh how this kid loves his big sissy!

Jezelle loves going grocery shopping with me. I on the other hand do not like going grocery shopping with Jezelle. But, the other day this tiny shopping cart was our saving grace. Thank you Trader Joes.

The funny things that Jezelle has said lately:

- every week after church she marches into our Bishop's office (like she owns the place) and politely asks for candy. The day after New Years, before he gave her candy he asked her if she had earned any money in 2010. She pondered for a moment and then said, "No, I just earned stickers." Good enough.

-at a restaurant the other night when the waitress asked if we wanted drinks Jezelle said, "Um yeah- I'll have a diet coke." Uhhhh no you won't!

-She says "oose" instead of "use". So, sometimes she will ask me if she can "oose one of my purses". I love it.

-Lately she often asks for makeup before she leaves for school so I 'pretend' to put on some blush, lip gloss, etc. The other day as we were rushing out the door, she said, "oh no! Mom, I forgot to put on any makeup."

She cracks us up all day long.

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