Tuesday, March 1, 2011

One Big KISS!!!!!!

There is a local radio station here called 106.1 KISS FM. Since I graduated from college and moved home I have been listening to their morning talk show hosts- Jackie and Bender. Every spring they do a radiothon to raise money for Seattle Children's hospital. They call it "One big KISS for the kids". It's usually a 2 or 3 day event and they play really sad (and some happy) stories about children who are sick and have basically grown up living at Children's. They talk about what an incredible hospital it is and all the amazing things they do there! Basically the radio station does a really good job at tugging at your heart strings so that you'll want to donate money. .

. . you know the drill.

Well, this year their radiothon has a whole new meaning to me. I've always looked forward to listening to the stories, as I volunteered there in high school and did an internship in college. I have always known how blessed we were to have such an incredible hospital so close by and have witnessed first hand how amazing their facility is. But now, I REALLY know, because they have taken care of my son. My gratitude to the hospital has grown ten fold in this past year and I feel so incredibly blessed for the wonderful staff there, who have helped us get through these past 11 1/2 trying months and have quite frankly helped Lincoln survive.

Children's philosophy is that they will never turn anyone away. Hence why they rely so heavily on fundraisers. I feel so blessed to have insurance which has covered much of Lincoln's incredibly expensive hospital and doctor visits. However, in January we suddenly found out that the formula and some of his medical supplies which he has received for the past 11 months will not be covered by insurance. And quite honestly it's a bill that made me cry. And so with the advice from the financial aid office, we applied for financial help through the hospital and they have taken care of a significant portion of our bill. Although we still owe a substantial portion, some of it has been taken from us. And so again, the meaning of this fundraiser becomes even more significant to our family. It hits close to home because we are able to benefit from those incredible fundraisers and generous donations that people give.

So, now after my own sad story, if you feel like donating go here:http://kissfmseattle.com/pages/events.html?feed=332448&article=8031312

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