Sunday, March 17, 2013

The funeral

A year ago today, as everyone else was making St. Patrick's Day plans, we were kissing our son's forehead for the last time and closing his casket, as we held his funeral at our church.  That day kind of makes me want to throw up, as I look back on it, but it was a very tender and sacred day as well.  Sooo special in so many ways, as I know Lincoln was there with us and carrying us through.  The spirit was strong.  Since that day I have learned of the incredible miracles and tender mercies that the Lord orchestrated, in order for my sweet friends to pull together such a special day in one weeks time.  When I have felt so alone and abandon at times since then, I look back on that day and remember that I am loved by so many, especially my Father in Heaven.  These pictures were taken at the funeral, the cemetery and the luncheon that was held after the burial.  I was very adamant that I didn't want my 2-year-old's funeral to feel "old".  He was (almost) 2 not 92 and I wanted it to feel that way.  It was absolutely perfect.

*pictures taken by a sweet friend, Melissa Hancock,

I use to work one really long day a week.  On my long days I missed my children so much!  I remembered the other day that I'd come home and kiss them and hug them and I'd always tell Lincoln that "I missed you all day long!!!" And then I'd say, "What would I do without you in my life?"  That saying now has a whole other meaning.  I miss him more then words can describe and I continue to miss him "all day long".  I love you Lincoln.  Until we meet again . . . . I miss you all day long.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a tender day... everything looks so beautiful and just perfect for your perfect little boy. I wish I could give you a big hug... xoxo.
